I first discovered yoga 10 years ago, but it’s only in the past 5 years that I’ve found a deeper meaning in it. Yoga helps me find peace and balance in a fast-paced world and the daily corporate hustle. In my classes, you’ll experience calming slow flow with elements of aromatherapy or dynamic vinyasa, always with the aim to help you feel good and leave with a sense of satisfaction.
Lenka has completed a 200-hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training accredited by Yoga Alliance and is certified as a YA teacher.
Starting January 24th, she will be leading regular Friday Morning Vinyasa Flow classes at 7:45 AM in Samata. The classes will be held in English.
About Lenka’s lesson:
Start the morning with a balanced session between Slow Flow and dynamic Vinyasa. Expect a gentle yet energizing class that prepares your body (and mind) for the day ahead. During the class, I will offer modifications so you can adjust the intensity to best suit your body’s needs. Join me and get ready to begin your Friday with uplifting and positive energy!
This class is suitable for practitioners of all levels.
K józe jsem se poprvé dostala před 10 lety, ale teprve v posledních 5ti letech jsem v ní našla hlubší smysl. Pomáhá mi nalézt klid a rovnováhu v uspěchané době a každodenním pracovním shonu v korporátní společnosti. V mých hodinách naleznete zklidňující slow flow s prvky aromaterapie nebo dynamickou vinyasu, vždy s cílem, abyste se cítili dobře a odcházeli spokojení.
Lenka absolvovala “200h Vinyasa Yoga teacher training” akreditovaný Yoga Alliance. Certifikaxe jako “YA certified teacher”.
V Samatě povede od 24.1. pravidelné páteční lekce Morning Vinyasa Flow v 7.45 hod. Lekce bude probíhat v angličtině.